The European Brain Council sends out a newsletter as well as an External Environmental Report that brings articles and events of interest to the attention of its members. From these, the Neuropenews Editors identify those that are of interest for the Neuropenews readers.
The EBC External Environmental Reports can be read by following this link.
Neuro-Enhancement: Responsible Research and Innovation
On November 28-29, one of EBC’s representatives attended the annual meeting of NERRI (Neuro-Enhancement: Responsible Research and Innovation), a 3-year project supported by the European Commission under the Framework Programme 7. Neuro-enhancement comprises the use of neurotechnologies (e.g., psychotropic drugs, implants or devices) to improve cognition and/or behavioural functioning and performance where cognitive and/or behavioural functioning is not judged to be clinically impaired. Neuro-enhancement may also denote the use of technologies to augment and extend the senses, such as vision or hearing.
The aim of the project is to initiate Europe-wide societal engagement with the ethical, social, legal and economic aspects of neuro-enhancement technologies and to develop sustainable forms of stakeholder engagement with science and technology. Furthermore, the project seeks to contribute to a normative framework underpinning the governance of neuro-enhancement technologies.
Within this framework, EBC is committed, as one of 18 project partners, to organise a series of events with different audiences where the topic of neuro-enhacement will be discussed. We have extensive plans for 2015 in this regard and we will keep you updated on different events that we will be holding.