Prof. Erich Schmutzhard
Prof. Israel Steiner
Elena Moro (EM): As incoming co-chairs of the Scientific Panel “Infectious diseases” can you briefly introduce yourself and your specific field of expertise to the Neuropenews readers.
Prof. Israel Steiner (IS): Graduated Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Fellowship in molecular virology Wistar Institute, Philadelphia. Currently: Professor & Chairman, Department of Neurology, Rabin Medical Center, Petach Tikva, Israel Research interests and projects: neurological infections, immune mediated peripheral and central neurological conditions, Herpes virus infections of the nervous system.
Prof. Erich Schmutzhard (ES): Training in Liverpool, UK: Tropical medicine and infectious diseases
Training in Innsbruck, Austria and Bangkok Thailand: Neurology
Training in intensive care medicine: Innsbruck, Austria
Current position: professor of critical care neurology, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria.
Multiple research projects on infectious diseases of the nervous system (cerebral malaria, bacterial meningitis, neuroborreliosis, chronic meningitis, neurocysticercosis etc) in Austria, Tanzania, Uganda, Ghana, Gabun, Kenya, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.
EM: Can you outline the strategic work plan you foresee for the Scientific Panel that you co-chair?
ES: Major aim: to strengthen the knowledge and acceptance of infectious diseases of the nervous system in the community of neurologists
IS: To publish under the auspices of the EAN guidelines on neurological infections, to present state of the art information on the subject at the annual EAN meetings
EM: What is the main “deliverable” that you want to achieve for the work the Scientific Panel will address during your term of office?
ES & IS: Infections of the nervous system emerge and change rapidly and continuously. Worldwide and in particular in Europe, neurologists must be aware of old and new infections of the nervous system, both in native Europeans and migrants/immigrants, and it is not the infectious disease specialist, but the neurologist and neuro-intensivist who has the best training, pathophysiologic understanding, and thereby, capacity to diagnose, manage and treat patients with all forms of nervous system infections.