We congratulate the winners of the EAN Tournament during the EAN Virtual Congress.
The EAN Tournament Prize 2020 consists of a certificate and € 1.000, –
in cash.
The runner-up prize consists of € 500, – in cash.
The winners of the session on Basic Neurology are:
Vito Ricigliano, Paris, France
Exploring the impact of lesional myelin content changes measured with positron emission tomography on perilesional microstructure in multiple sclerosis.
Runner-up prizes:
Raffaele Dubbioso, Naples, Italy
GABAergic dysfunction mediates motor impairment in Rett Syndrome
Arianna Manini, Milan, Italy
The role of LRP10 mutations in Parkinson’s Disease and Dementia with Lewy Bodies
The winners of the session on Clinical Neurology are:
Youssuf Saleh, Oxford, United Kingdom
Distinct white matter tract changes associated with apathy in cereberovascular small vessel disease
Runner-up prizes:
Gashira Mbizvo, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Secular trends in adult epilepsy-related and potentially avoidable mortality in Scotland: a nationwide population-based study
Linnea Grindegard, Lund, Sweden
EEG background patterns correlate with serum neurofilament light after cardiac arrest