The European Academy of Neurology (EAN) is aware of substantial evidence gaps existing for gender and ethnic differences in the epidemiology, clinical features, pathophysiology, treatment, and outcome of many neurological disorders. Therefore, the EAN established a Task Force on Gender and Diversity, which has the following overall goals:
- To increase awareness of sex, gender, ethnic and racial differences, and diversity in several neurological disorders;
- To understand the aetiology of these differences;
- To recognize their impact on neurology research and health care;
- To disseminate knowledge on gender and diversity issues in neurology;
- To promote gender equality in care for neurological disorders;
- To foster health care systems changes.
The ALBA network has released a declaration on Equity and Inclusion that aims to raise awareness of challenges faced by underrepresented groups in science and academia. EAN shares these goals and endorses the ALBA declaration.
Gender and diversity issues are also present in several other areas related to neurology and neuroscience, like education, professional careers and health politics. EAN stipulates that not only science but also health care systems should reflect the changing demographic composition of communities which can be observed across Europe. The health care work force should become more diverse and inclusive since there are indications that this strategy will reduce disparities in health and health care.