Globally, infectious diseases remain a major cause of disability and death. Infections involving the nervous system carry a high morbidity and mortality, particularly in developing countries where the burden of these diseases is great, diagnosis is difficult and limited resources mean that availability and access to treatment is poor. Poverty, overcrowding, lack of education, poor sanitation and immunosuppression all contribute to the increased incidence of neurological infections. In the industrialized nations, infectious disease related mortality and morbidity has dramatically decreased due to significant improvements in sanitation, vaccination and the introduction of antimicrobials, but continues to cause significant problems of diagnosis and management. International travel, exotic holidays, changes in sexual behavior, increased drug use (recreational and therapeutic) has all lead to the emergence of new and widespread infections.
The module on infectious diseases of the nervous system, edited by Tom Solomon and Agam Jung includes sessions on diagnosis and management of viral, bacterial, parasitic and prion diseases affecting the brain, spinal cord and surrounding structures. With contributions from neurologists, infectious disease specialists and spinal surgeons, the material is suitable for a broader audience, including those in emergency medicine and infectious diseases. The module consist of 24 lessons, each lasting 20 min and contain comprehensive information regarding acute pneumococcal, meningococcal, tubercular, listeria, cryptococcal, aseptical meningitis, encephalitis, Varicella Zoster, HIV, HTLV infections, toxoplasmosis, cerebral malaria, syphilis, botulism, Lyme Borreliosis, tetanus, prion diseases, brain and epidural abscesses etc.
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