Zika virus is an arbovirus, member of the family Flaviridae, genus Flavivirus, which has created an important public health emergency in the Americas after an epidemic outbreak associated with nervous system disorders.
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EAN Congress newsTop Articles
Copenhagen 2016 – Breaking news session – Zika infections of the nervous system
May 20, 2016EAN congress, Copenhagen
Sunday, 29.5.2016; 8:30-10:00
Location: Hall B. Chairs: E. Schmutzhard, R. Shakir Epidemiology of Zika virus, present knowledge, future perspectives and
implications for Europe
John England, USA
Chair, WFN ZIKA committee, Louisiana State University, New Orleans Zika virus… Continue Reading -
EAN NewsEAN Congress newsResearch
BAN Time Zone Session: Burden of neurological disorders in South America
June 26, 2022This Special Timezone Session on the Burden of neurological disorders in South America, in cooperation with the Brazlian Academy of Neurology, presented how neurological care can vary between different geographic areas. -
Sunday evening at the EAN 2021 Virtual Congress was also Sunday afternoon at the EAN 2021 Virtual Congress, while for 90 minutes Room Amsterdam hosted a Special Timezone Session on Tropical Neurology from the Pan-American Federation of Neurological Societies (PAFNS).… Continue Reading
The first case of COVID-19 infection was recorded in Brazil on Feb 25, 2020. On June 20th, official statistics reported 1 million confirmed cases, and more than 50,000 deaths. Brazil has the second highest number of cases of COVID-19 in the world, facing more than 1,000 deaths per day. However, due to underreporting among many regions in the country, the actual numbers are unknown. Besides the underestimation of the real deaths and cases, the Government recently changed the way in which the cases were reported: only new cases were reported, and not the total number of infected people or deaths. This has produced great criticism from the scientific community and the media, increasing the levels of tension under which the country has been living.
Breaking newsEAN NewsCOVID-19Research
Breaking News: Guillain‐Barré syndrome in a patient with antibodies against SARS‐COV‐2
June 23, 2020In this paper, the authors report a case of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) with onset 2 weeks after SARS-CoV-2 infection and highly elevated serum antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, supporting an association between SARS-CoV-2 disease and GBS. -
EAN NewsCOVID-19Top Articles
COVID-19 Statement of the EAN Scientific Panel Neurocritical care
April 16, 2020Helbok R, Öztürk S On behalf of the Members of the EAN Scientific Panel Neurocritical care Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Patients with severe disease are commonly admitted… Continue Reading -
Breaking newsEAN NewsCOVID-19Top Articles
Guillain-Barré syndrome associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
April 15, 2020In this correspondence, Zhao et al. report the first case of COVID-19 initially presenting with acute Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) suggesting a possible association between GBS and SARS-CoV-2 infection. The authors assumed that GBS associated with SARS-CoV-2 might follow the pattern… Continue Reading -
Zika virus circulation has decreased but there is a possibility of its emergence or re-emergence in all areas with competent mosquito vectors.
EAN News
The Secretary General at the annual meeting of the Moroccan Society of Neurology (Société Marocaine de Neurologie).
June 15, 2016The 10th national congress of the Moroccan Society of Neurology was held in Marrakech, May 5th to 7th. The SMN is one of the associated institutional members of the European Academy of Neurology.
Under the presidency of Prof. Nahza Birouk… Continue Reading -
Executive PageTop Articles
President’s Page: The second Congress of the European Academy of Neurology in Copenhagen
June 6, 2016The 2nd congress of the EAN took place May 28-31, 2016 at the Bella Conference Center in Copenhagen. We had 5500 attendees who took part in 40 Symposia, focused workshops and special sessions. Among the many highlights were the outstanding presentations by the awardees of the Romberg, Golgi and Brown-Séquard lectures during the presidents plenary and the last-minute session on the ‘epidemiology, clinical presentations and immunology of Zika-Virus induced neurological diseases’ (This session can be viewed on the members-only part of the EAN-website). More than 4500 participants attended the 40 educational events with many new innovations like case-based facilitated workshops, more hands-on courses and career-development sessions. More than 1500 abstracts were presented in 28 oral and 117 electronic poster sessions. -
by Anna Sauerbier Outbreak of Zika Virus Disease – general information The Zika virus and potential neurological effects The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has released a revised guideline on medicines for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other types… Continue Reading