· What does inspire you outside
History. Knowing what happened in
the past helps understanding what occurs currently and what the future could
be. There are similarities between the reasoning of medical researchers and
that of historians: search for original… Continue Reading
Scientific committee reports
Scientific committee reportsResearchTop Articles
Scientific Committee Snapshot: Rigmor Hojland
February 26, 2020The Scientific Committee is fully committed to a great mission: To increase and share the best clinical knowledge and the cutting-edge information from translational research in all neurological fields. Main actions are i) to facilitate exchanges and synergies with the Scientific Panels ii) to support the Guideline Production Group (update and diffusion of expertise and best clinical practice), iii) to interact positively with other scientific societies with reciprocal exchanges and liaise with the European Affairs sub-Committee to increase the awareness of Neurology in Europe. -
EAN NewsScientific committee reportsInterviewsTop Articles
Scientific Committee Snapshot: Christian Enzinger
December 1, 2019Every month, you will find an original self-portrait of one Scientific Committee member, who will respond informally to the same 5 questions. Here we go! -
EAN NewsScientific committee reportsInterviewsTop Articles
Scientific Committee Snapshot: Maurizio Leone
November 1, 2019The Scientific Committee is fully committed to a great mission: To increase and share the best clinical knowledge and the cutting-edge information from translational research in all neurological fields. Main actions are i) to facilitate exchanges and synergies with the Scientific Panels ii) to support the Guideline Production Group (update and diffusion of expertise and best clinical practice), iii) to interact positively with other scientific societies with reciprocal exchanges and liaise with the European Affairs sub-Committee to increase the awareness of Neurology in Europe. -
EAN NewsScientific committee reportsInterviewsTop Articles
Introducing the Scientific Committee: Nadine Attal
October 1, 2019The Scientific Committee is fully committed to a great mission: To increase and share the best clinical knowledge and the cutting-edge information from translational research in all neurological fields. Main actions are i) to facilitate exchanges and synergies with the Scientific Panels ii) to support the Guideline Production Group (update and diffusion of expertise and best clinical practice), iii) to interact positively with other scientific societies with reciprocal exchanges and liaise with the European Affairs sub-Committee to increase the awareness of Neurology in Europe. -
EAN NewsScientific committee reportsInterviews
Introducing the Scientific Committee: Teia Kobulashvili
September 1, 2019The Scientific Committee is fully committed to a great mission: To increase and share the best clinical knowledge and the cutting-edge information from translational research in all neurological fields. Main actions are i) to facilitate exchanges and synergies with the Scientific Panels ii) to support the Guideline Production Group (update and diffusion of expertise and best clinical practice), iii) to interact positively with other scientific societies with reciprocal exchanges and liaise with the European Affairs sub-Committee to increase the awareness of Neurology in Europe. -
EAN NewsEAN NewsScientific committee reportsResearchTop Articles
July 17, 2019Every month, you will find an original self-portrait of one Scientific Committee member, who will respond informally to the same 5 questions. Here we go! -
Scientific committee reportsResearchUncategorized
Scientific Committee Snap Shot – Dafin Fior Muresanu
June 3, 2019The Scientific Committee is fully committed to a great mission: To increase and share the best clinical knowledge and the cutting-edge information from translational research in all neurological fields. Main actions are i) to facilitate exchanges and synergies with the Scientific Panels ii) to support the Guideline Production Group (update and diffusion of expertise and best clinical practice), iii) to interact positively with other scientific societies with reciprocal exchanges and liaise with the European Affairs sub-Committee to increase the awareness of Neurology in Europe. -
EAN NewsScientific committee reportsInterviews
Introducing the Scientific Committee – Marie Vidailhet
May 1, 2019Every month, you will find an original self-portrait of one Scientific Committee member, who will respond informally to the same 5 questions. Here we go! -
The EAN Scientific Committee met on Sunday, March 03, 2019 at the EAN Head Office in Vienna for the first time in its new configuration. The focus of the Scientific Committee (SC) for the next two years is to increase the exchanges, synergies and interactions with the Scientific Panels, that are the backbone of the European Academy of Neurology.
Scientific committee reportsResearch
EAN invites Resident and Research Members to a new guideline training program
February 8, 2019EAN is happy to inform of its collaboration with the project “European Partnership on Competencies for High Value COst COnscious CARE” (CoCoCare). -
28 February 2019 is the twelfth international Rare Disease Day coordinated by EURORDIS. On and around this day hundreds of patient organisations from countries and regions all over the world will hold awareness-raising activities. The theme for Rare Disease Day 2019 is 'Bridging health and social care' focusing on bridging the gaps in the coordination between medical, social and support services in order to tackle the challenges that people living with a rare disease and their families around the world face every day.
Scientific committee reportsResearch
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Rare Diseases: development and quality assessment
November 1, 2018On 9th and 10th October a course on guidelines for rare diseases took place in Rome, Italy. It was organised by the RARE-Bestpractices, a platform for sharing best practices for the management of rare diseases. -
Scientific committee reportsResearchTop Articles
Guidelines International Network Conference, Manchester 2018
November 1, 2018by Lucia Cernicka Guidelines International Network or G-I-N is a community with a mission to lead, strengthen and support collaboration in guideline production. To enhance its networking role, the G-I-N organises conferences on a regular basis, once a year,… Continue Reading